- Did you ever witness or experience something you wish you hadn’t?
- Have you questioned whether a specific experience has triggered a negative aftermath in your life or the life of someone you know?
If yes, then it is possible that you or that person could be experiencing symptoms of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, also known as PTSD.
Understanding the impact on your life and your relationships is the first step in changing the disabling and unhealthy behaviors that are caused from traumatic experiences.
What is PTSD? It is a set of symptoms that can follow exposure to a specific situation or event that actually occurred or was perceived to be threatening due to serious injury, death, violence, and/or its harmful nature. This can include:
- Direct exposure—An individual personally experienced an event that involved actual or threatened death, serious injury, or danger to ones’ physical integrity.
- Witnessing—An individual witnessed an event or situation that involved death, injury, or threat to the physical integrity of another person.
- Indirect exposure—An individual learns about an unexpected or violent death, serious harm, or threat of death or injury experienced by a family member or loved one.
- Repeated indirect exposure—An individual is repeatedly exposed to aversive details of a specific event(s) due to professional settings or job duties.
Typically, PTSD causes fear, a sense of helplessness, horror, agitation, and disorganized behavior. It also triggers persistent re-experiencing of some aspect of the traumatic event/experience, avoidance, hypervigilance, hyperarousal, negative alterations in thoughts and mood, and functional impairments. It is not unusual for individuals to try and deal with traumatic experiences by depersonalizing it (“this isn’t happening to me or it didn’t happen to me”) or derealization (“this is not real”.)
Deciding to get help for PTSD can be scary. Recognizing that your traumatic experience cannot be wiped away and you do not have to be ashamed of it or go through the process alone is needed relief. The therapists at Hidden Stream Counseling would like to offer you the help you need in learning to manage the stressors associated with past trauma by not only treating the wound but also healing the scares.
Listen to Tanya talk about the myths of PTSD and how she helped a man reclaim his life after a traumatic experience.
Ready to reclaim your life back? We can help.